Luke had a history of missing assignments, being late to class and other appointments, finishing papers at the last minute and sometimes pulling all nighters studying for a test. This took place while in High School! Luke swore to his parents that college would be different; he’d be out of the house and free to do whatever he wanted. Luke’s “freedom” included no nagging from Mom, no Dad checking parent portal, no emails from teachers to Mom, going out on any night he wanted without a curfew, and playing endless hours of video games. About two months into school, Luke calls Mom on Saturday in a panic. He’s has one 6-page essay due in English on Monday, three history homework assignments due on Tuesday (two of them were due weeks ago), a midterm paper due on Thursday along with three midterm exams next week. Like so many students with executive function challenges, Luke has waited to the last minute to start his work.
If the college student struggled with executive functions while in high school and never developed good strategies, chances are her executive functions will be challenged in college. These students need to be able to:
- Advocate for themselves
- Keep track of assignments
- Use a device/planner to record assignments
- Plan short-term and long-term assignments
- Manage time efficiently and work effectively
- Learn to be flexible and allow for a “hiccup” in the schedule
- Prioritize schoolwork and not the frat parties
The underlying plan for all of our clients is to build self-confidence so they are motivated to implement organizing strategies. Once their individual Organizing Style is determined, strategies are discussed with the student. The concept of time management (planning and following it), organizing and working through procrastination, are some of the executive functions addressed in our work together.
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STEP 1 60 minute intake in person or via Skype will consist of the following:
- Review the student’s academic history
- Review educational/psychological evaluations
- Review college course selections and schedule
- Assess the student’s Organizing Style
STEP 2 Set up the Personalized Online Calendar
The Calendar will consist of the following:
- Homework assignments
- Course exams
- Major projects and research papers
- Reminders of tests and major papers sent to the student’s email or phone
STEP 3 Coaching Sessions (Choose from 15, 10, or 5 sessions per semester)
Consist of weekly sessions with the Academic Organizer to include the following topics:
- Academic Organizer and student will review assignments/test/projects that are due in the coming weeks
- Discuss goal setting and strategies to implement these goals
- Strategize on how to reduce distractions and procrastination
- Brainstorm on study skill and test taking strategies that best match the students Organizing Style
- Brainstorm on establishing working environment on campus for the student’s Organizing Style
- Discuss techniques to keep more organized at college
- Discuss products (types of folders, binder, notebooks,etc) to use based on the student’s Organizing Style
STEP 4 Once the student has mastered these skills, it’s time to “fly solo” and reduce the sessions to once a month!
45 minute sessions with an Academic Organizer in Our office in person $125
45 minute sessions with an Academic Organizer out of the office in person $150